WellBeing 205


8 indoor workouts to boost your energy

We all struggle to get moving in the morning, especially in the cooler months. But moving early ensures we feel energised throughout the day. The only way to produce more energy is by making and using more energy, as you’ll do with these eight uplifting exercises.


Natural Bakes by Caroline Griffiths

In Natural Bakes by Caroline Griffiths, you can have your cake and eat it too! Free from gluten and other harmful sugars, the impressive cookbook makes use of fruit, vegetables and other natural ingredients such as vanilla, nut-based flours and spices to whip up incredibly delightful and guilt-free baked goods.

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Embracing Novelty: The Key to a Richer, Happier Life

Do you actively go looking for new experiences or do you stick with the tried and true? While it can be tempting to play it safe and go with what you know, incorporating novelty into your life can boost your happiness and wellbeing and support your brain health.

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Are you getting enough beauty sleep?

Sleep is a vital aspect of human life and plays a significant role in mental and physical health, as well as physical appearance. With up to four out of 10 people in Australia suffering from sleep deprivation, we take a look at beauty sleep and how you can improve your sleep hygiene.